Reporter feedback is an automated email sent back to the reporter of an analysed email, once it has been resolved. Reporter feedback is configured individually for each In-tray source and each In-tray source can have a different reporter feedback configuration.
There are 3 possible conditions for when a reporter feedback email is sent, which is set when an In-tray source is configured, they are:
A reporter feedback template is also selected when an In-tray source is configured.
Reporter feedback templates can be created, viewed or configured by a user with 'Manager' permissions:
By default, a dynamic reporter feedback template is available. This template features details about the email that has been reported as well as the results of the analysis. All reporter feedback templates (default and custom) are previewed on the right hand side of the page.
A custom reporter feedback template can be created by clicking on the 'Create reporter feedback template' button in the top right of the page.
It is possible to create custom reporter feedback templates, where your own content is sent in the feedback email back to reporters of potentially phishing emails (when configured). Different content can be created for emails resolved as 'Safe' and for 'Malicious'.
It is also possible to include dynamic content in your custom reporter feedback templates. This is achieved with variables defined below in 'Custom Reporter Feedback Variables'. Variables are indicated with curly braces ‘{ }’ in your custom feedback text, such as {reporterEmailAddress}. An example of variable use in the feedback content is:
Hello {reporterEmailAddress},
Thank you for reporting the email with the subject line {subject} on {reportDate}.
The following variables are made available for you to use in your custom reporter feedback content: